💙 Roundup Events May 9


Trivia Question❓

How many different colors are there in a standard pack of original M&M's?

Answer at the bottom of the newsletter

Roundup Independence Day Updates

It's that time of year! 

Dates have been picked...July 4th & July 5th at 11:00 am

The permits have been secured!

The Grand Marshall has been voted on!

and now....

It's time to vote on the theme!

Click here to cast your vote this years theme!

In a few weeks we will have the sign up links for floats.

On behalf of the Roundup Chamber of Commerce we are super excited to keep this tradition alive and look forward to another great year. 

~Sandra Gebhardt

The goal of the Heart of Roundup newsletter is to keep community members up to date on area events and fun stories.  This is a passion project and we are excited to bring a variety of exciting new things to Roundup.

Please email any events you know of to [email protected]

Yoga - Brunch & Bubbles | May 18

260 #4 Rd | Yoga with Nicole B

BINGO Night at the Arcade Bar

May 15th | 7:00 PM

April 25th | Roundup Elementary

5:00 pm

RVFD Fire & Slice | June 1st

Embracing May:

Wellness Strategies for the Spring Rainy Season

 As May unfolds with its mix of spring sunshine and showers, it's a prime time to focus on maintaining wellness amidst the fluctuating weather. The rainy days of spring can sometimes dampen spirits and disrupt exercise routines, but they also bring an opportunity to embrace a different aspect of health and wellness. Here are some effective strategies to stay healthy and positive during the wetter parts of spring.

Stay Active Indoors: Rainy weather might keep you indoors, but it doesn't mean you have to skip your workout. Explore indoor activities like yoga, pilates, or home fitness videos. These can keep you physically active and also help in reducing stress and boosting your mood on gloomy days.

Healthy Immunity Boosts: Spring rains often bring a chill to the air, which can challenge your immune system. Support your health by including plenty of immune-boosting foods in your diet, such as citrus fruits, garlic, ginger, and leafy greens. These are packed with essential vitamins and antioxidants that help ward off illnesses.

Mental Wellness: The lack of sunlight during rainy days can affect your mood. Combat this by keeping your surroundings bright with artificial lights and engaging in activities that uplift your spirits, such as reading a good book, practicing meditation, or starting a new hobby.

Allergy Management: With spring rain comes pollen, which can exacerbate allergies. Stay ahead by keeping windows closed on high pollen days and using air purifiers to maintain clean indoor air. Regularly washing bedding and vacuuming can also help reduce allergen exposure in your home.

Stay Hydrated: While it might not be as obvious as during the hot summer months, staying hydrated is just as important during rainy spring days. Continue to drink plenty of fluids and include hydrating foods in your diet to aid digestion and skin health.

By adapting these wellness strategies, you can not only navigate the rainy days of May with ease but also enhance your overall health and wellbeing. Embrace the season's challenges as opportunities to diversify your routines and focus on different aspects of your health.

Weekly Joke

Why did the home party host go to therapy?

Because they had too many issues with RSVPs!

Easy Spring Recipes! 

Fun Facts

  • Bananas are Berries: Scientifically speaking, bananas are considered berries, whereas strawberries aren't. This classification is based on the botanical definition of a berry as a fruit produced from the ovary of a single flower with seeds embedded in the flesh.

  • Jellyfish are Immortal: Some species of jellyfish, such as Turritopsis dohrnii, are known for their ability to revert to their juvenile form after reaching adulthood, potentially giving them the ability to bypass death, leading to what can be described as biological immortality.

  • Venus' Day is Longer than its Year: Venus has a very slow rotation rate and takes about 243 Earth days to complete one rotation. However, it only takes about 225 Earth days for Venus to complete one orbit around the Sun. This means a day on Venus (from one sunrise to the next) is longer than a Venusian year.

  • Honey Never Spoils: Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3000 years old and still perfectly edible. Honey's longevity lies in its unique composition, which makes it inhospitable to bacteria and microorganisms.

  • Octopuses Have Three Hearts: Octopuses have two hearts that pump blood through the gills, where it picks up oxygen, and a third heart that pumps the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. Moreover, when an octopus swims, the heart that delivers blood to the body stops beating, which is why these creatures prefer to crawl rather than swim.

Weekly Tips

Designate a Home Workout Zone: Set up a specific area in your home for exercise to encourage regular physical activity, regardless of the weather.

Start with a Vitamin C-rich Smoothie: Incorporate smoothies with fruits like oranges, kiwis, and strawberries into your morning routine to boost your immune system.

Use a Light Therapy Lamp: Combat the lack of sunlight with a light therapy lamp to help improve your mood and energy levels on dark, rainy days.

Upgrade Air Filters and Track Pollen: Change your HVAC filters or use an air purifier, and keep track of local pollen forecasts to manage allergy symptoms effectively.

Set Hydration Reminders: Use reminders on your phone or a marked water bottle to ensure you're drinking enough water throughout the day, and include hydrating foods in your diet.

The Arcade is For Sale!

Youth Cares Update